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Supporting Language Acquisition


I assumed the role of Language Acquisition Team Facilitator. My responsibilities were to assist the principal in the implementation of Boston Public Schools English Language Education Policy. My role was to ensure the adequacy of instruction and monitoring of English Learners (DOJ Agreement, Paragraph 15). I had to be aware of instructional and compliance issues by attending a minimum of 18 hours of citywide meetings per year with the goal of sharing BPS instructional information and compliance concerns with administrators, teachers, and staff at the school. I had to connect and download relevant materials from the OELL – ASPEN page to disseminate with school leadership and other teachers.


I was responsible for student identification, student placement, assisting in student assessments, and organizing and scheduling ELD updates and FLEP reclassification meetings. I organized testing schedules for ACCESS testing and collaborated with teachers in reviewing data to inform ELL student instruction. I was also tasked with monitoring the English language progress of FLEP students in general education. This experience called upon my networking and communication skills. I needed to teach and lead effectively and be aware of the policies that impact the ELL population. I advocated for the rights of our Language Learners and monitored their placement so that it was correct and appropriate. I informed teachers how to use data and suggested appropriate modifications that would help students progress. I regularly found myself problem-solving and offering suggestions to colleagues regarding interventions that would help our students’ needs according to their testing results.

Skills Gained:
  • Communication

  • Networking

  • Teaching and leading staff

  • Researching appropriate strategies for ELL students

  • Problem solving

  • Responsibility

  • Data collection

  • Disaggregating data

  • Assessing

  • Scheduling

  • Advocating the rights of English Language Learner students

  • Adherence to State and Federal mandates for records of students

  • Monitoring of English Language Development folders


I skillfully fulfilled my commitment to my position. As LATF, I enjoyed working with staff and presenting information in a clear and meaningful manner. My involvement as LATF exposed me to an experience outside of my classroom and school. This motivated me to want to work more in the field of professional development and with a larger audience. It influenced me to work beyond the classroom.


A Challenge for Mainstream Teachers

: Ready or Not (PDF)

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